Monday, June 21, 2010

Coming Attractions

SICK!! Coming soon to a blog near you, photos and posts (so I don't forget what I want to write):

Father's Day Updates
Ellie's Time at MeeMee and DeeDee's House
Josh Goes to Camp
Mama Goes to the Doctor and Has "The Funk"
Ellie Plays (Again) at MeeMee and DeeDee's House
Movie Review: Then She Found Me
Movie Review: Toy Story 3
Potty Training: Day 1

Can you see why I don't have time to post?
Tomorrow -- maybe. Nana's coming Wednesday and I HAVE to get Josh's room cleaned up for her. Those of you who have boys know this MIGHT take all day.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Oh, I LOVE the movie, "Then She Found Me"! The book is good, too, though more light-hearted.

Well, I am going out on a limb, because maybe you didn't like it, but that's OK. :-)