It is READY to mail and will go out some way tomorrow. I say some way because it is legal sized and I don't know if the USPS has legal sized express mail. I'm too tired to look so I will wait until I arrive there in the morning.
Realize that this is the dossier that just won't get "right." I had police letters that I needed two sets of and had one. I had employments letters that I needed two of and had one. I took them all for county certification and realized at the State offices that we had stapled the employment letters together as one document and they needed to be separated. A rush trip back to Robertson County and it was too late to go back Friday afternoon. So.... good thing. Monday morning as we are leaving for Atlanta and I plan to run by to have that one document done, I realize that the Robertson County documents have the county spelled wrong on the State's cover sheet. SO.... back to the state for new authentications where I spend much too much time trying to explain to the lady why it cannot have staple marks in the blue cover (they think I might have taken it apart and put something else in there). Finally, she just gives up and does what I need.
It is now FINISHED (hmmm... ironic to write that here at Easter. If you don't know what this refers to look in John 19:30 in The Bible) and ready to go. For those of you who might not be familiar with what all is required (paperwork wise) for this dossier, here are photos.
It includes things like a homestudy, certificate of assets, police clearance letters, employment letters, medical forms for all members of the family, statements agreeing to provide post placement visits, applications to foreign governments, applications for visas, photos of our home, her room and of us and our extended families, copies of marriage licenses, copies of passports and statements agreeing to register our child at the embassy. Many trees have given their lives to help bring this little girl home.
I am hoping this is the week that referrals will come in for some of my online friends who have been waiting for a long time, particularly for those in spots #1 and #3 who have become dear friends!
WOW that's a LOT of paperwork!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
What a beautiful picture! Isn't it amazing how much blood, sweat and tears goes into that stack of paperwork?!?! Congratulations!
Congratulations that is wonderful! It won't be long now, though I know it will seem like it...:)
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