Monday, December 31, 2007

Moving Photo

This photo is from one of the Baby Houses in Kyrgyzstan -- Tomok, I believe. A local humanitarian group recently went in and provided medical supplies for three orphanages in the area and provided this photo and an update of what they did. I hope you have the time to read it -- it is just one page.

This is the link to their site, The Footprints Network. Their goals (from their site) are:

We support the UN Millennium Goals:

With two billion of the world's people living on less than $2 a day, alleviating this crushing poverty and the health, social and environmental ills that accompany it, is everyone's responsibility. Most projects we support are in developing countries, as these projects yield the greatest social return on investment.

We support the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, which aim to significantly reduce world poverty by the year 2015:

  • Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger

  • Achieving universal primary education

  • Promoting gender equality and empowering women

  • Reducing child mortality

  • Improving materanal health

  • Combating HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases

  • Ensuring environmental sustainability

  • Developing a global partnership for development

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