Monday, March 9, 2009


Gee, I LOVE Daffodils.

We have a few daffodils/buttercups that come up in our yard. Ever since I saw them pop up this year, I've wanted to get pix of Ellie by them. Today ... well, I tried. She was NOT in a good mood (and really hasn't been since she's been sick so I know she's still just not feeling well), and she didn't get a full nap, so it was kind of fruitless. I thought I'd share some of the better ones. I'm going to try again. Next time, I need a quicker helper for the "flower and bunny headbands". Josh and Nana weren't as fast as Ellie. *smile*

Lest you think she's SMELLING of the flower, oh no, she's not ... she's eating it.

Phhhhlpppttthh ... tastes funny.

Oh well, I'll eat it anyway.

MOST unhappy with the bunny ears, eh?

This is the best one we got with the flower headband, but it wasn't what I "wanted".

After giving up on the photos, Josh took Ellie for a ride in her car and then put together her swing/slide toy. We figured out, after it was done, he had put the ends on wrong. Oh well, another day...

Two tired kiddos!

Then, Kevin came home and cleaned out the van to get it ready to sell and I raked leaves. Josh helped us each a little. Nana sat on the porch and held Ellie and she fell asleep. This is what lots of fresh air and activity will do to you. Doesn't it look "G"lorious??

Hanging out with Nana ...

And, finally, sleep, glorious sleep!

Anyone care to take a gander about what THIS picture is of??? Well, while Kevin was cleaning out the van, Bear hopped right in and sat in the front seat (as if he were going somewhere). WHY?? Josh thought it was funny to make faces at him through the other side of the window. Silly boy and his dog.

Grouchy, Gross, Gorgeous, Giggle Maker

Let's just be honest here. Josh can be a grouch sometimes. He gets it from his mother, sadly. He can also be very (boy-like) and GROSS!!! Boys can be really gross with bodily noises, smells, dirt -- yuk. But I wouldn't have him any other way. And, of course, last, but certainly not least, he is the most GORGEOUS boy in the world!!! And, as an afterthought, he is also the one in the family who can make Ellie giggle when no one else can!!

Gross, Gorgeous, Girly, Giggler

And speaking of gross ... let's not think it is limited to boys. As anyone who has experienced one of Ellie's diapers can attest, this girl is gross!! But, on the other hand, she is also gorgeous, like her brother, and just a girly girl!! She is also the "giggle girl" who always has a cackle at her brother!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

I love the raised eyebrow picture (2 above the bunny ears!) because she has such a look on her face..."Oh yeah, what do I hae to say about THAT? Well, lemme tell ya..."

And how's this for a G for her--"G"lam? She's not cranky, she's just too glam for pictures!!