Thursday, September 24, 2009

Josh Flashbacks

Josh handed me a photo album tonight to "put up" for him [since his hands were obviously broken]. I looked through it and found some cuties of him. I only scanned a few [read: lack of time after reminiscing through all the pictures], but think I'll try to scan a few of him every so often so I can include them in "the book" as a kind of look-back at Josh's life while we follow along with Ellie's.

Josh when he was 11 months old -- taken by my mom at her house

This picture hangs in my bathroom. It's Braiden, Kirstin and Josh from Easter 2002. It seems like just yesterday. Here they are now:

How did we get here so fast??

Now THIS picture cracked me up. Every year in K-4, they had a Thanksgiving feast and all the kids dressed up as either an Indian or a Pilgrim. Josh and Braiden split the choices and each went as one -- and the one each of them went as was perfect for them!! Aren't they sweet??

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