Every day God has been so kind to send reassurances to me about Kevin's job search and our current situation.
Today, it was such a blessing to receive a card from one of Kevin's cousins in Kentucky. The irony of it all is that in the card was Jeremiah 29:11 -- my life verse "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future, plans to prosper and not harm you." Out of all the verses in the Bible, that one?? Coincidence -- not likely.
Then, I went outside to get my phone out of the car in the midst of a rain storm. Turns out it wasn't even in the car it was inside, but I saw the most beautiful rainbow in the sky. I rushed back in to get the camera and got this wee little tint of it before it faded.
The last time I saw a rainbow like that was when we were about to leave for Kyrgyzstan to meet Ellie. Ironically, there was a double rainbow. I have never seen one before or since, but looking back on our experience with meeting Ellie, accepting her referral, having to turn it down and then accepting it again, it seemed appropriate that God was making TWO promises to us that she would be our daughter. And now, I feel certain this was a reminder from Him to us of that promise of a good job for Kevin. (see the second rainbow up to the left -- more faint than the first)
Kevin applied for four positions today and plans to apply for three more this evening. We are hopeful that out of seven, he will get an interview for at least one (or, if we are going to be really positive thinking, all seven!!).
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