Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ellie - Cover Girl or Clingy Girl?

Last week, I saw a posting looking for an Asian girl to model for a local Christian publishing company's 2010 materials. I figured it wouldn't hurt to send in Ellie's pictures -- just to see. Imagine our surprise and excitement when she was chosen to be the cover for the Summer 2010 curriculum.

Today, we went to Franklin (at the unbelievable hour of 8:00 a.m.) and met with this photographer and took photos for her "cover". Her fun concept was watermelon -- can you get more summery than that? She had cute little red watermelon shorts, a green watermelon shirt that said, "Naturally Sweet" and what I call her "Asian piggy tales" (like this from a few weeks ago).

Well, I'd love to say that she was the perfect model, smiling on cue, holding her watermelon just perfectly, sitting still -- except, that she wasn't. She probably was the normal baby model. She spent a lot of the first little while staring at us like we were from outer space since she was sitting in the grass and we were all standing away from her, the photographer was lying on the ground and we were all clapping, laughing and making general idiots of ourselves.
She didn't have a CLUE what to do with the watermelon wedges, but did warm up to rubbing it all over her at one point. *smile* And, of course, when we finally did get her to smile, her eyes disappeared!! Josh was a great help getting her to smile by singing and encouraging her to do the motions to the Itsy Bitsy Spider and playing peek-a-boo with her.
It was a lot of fun and I'm sure with the photographer's skills, she will be absolutely a beauty!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to post photos on the blog when I get them, but I'll let you know how they turn out!!
This may be her only modeling opportunity, but, who knows, we might be surprised!! We think she's terribly cute.
On a separate note, I'm not sure if it's a developmental stage or what, but she has just recently developed a fear of strangers. We walked over to the neighbors and she had a meltdown right in their house and clung to me like they were axe murders. She's never done that before. Then, that night at the local Gymboree store, same reaction with the sales lady -- only with big crocodile tears. Five minutes later when the sales lady went about her way, she was giggling again. She clings to us like super glue when we are out in public and someone talks to her. THIS from the girl who made her rounds at the ball park visiting with first one stranger and then the other only two weeks ago.
Between the ages of eight and twelve months, your child sometimes may seem like two separate babies. First there’s the one who’s open, affectionate, and outgoing with you. But then there’s another who’s anxious, clinging, and easily frightened around unfamiliar people or objects. Some people may tell you that your child is fearful or shy because you’re “spoiling” her, but don’t believe it. Her widely diverse behavior patterns aren’t caused by you or your parenting style; they occur because she’s now, for the first time, able to tell the difference between familiar and unfamiliar situations. If anything, the predictable anxieties of this period are evidence of her healthy relationship with you.

Separation anxiety usually peaks between ten and eighteen months and then fades during the last half of the second year. In some ways, this phase of your child’s emotional development will be especially tender for both of you, while in others, it will be painful. After all, her desire to be with you is a sign of her attachment to her first and greatest love—namely you. The intensity of her feeling as she hurtles into your arms is irresistible, especially when you realize that no one—including your child herself— will ever again think you are quite as perfect as she does at this age. On the other hand, you may feel suffocated by her constant clinging, while experiencing guilt whenever you leave her crying for you. Fortunately, this emotional roller coaster eventually will subside along with her separation anxiety.
I suspect with her prematurity, she is about at the developmental level of a 12 month old (just walking, talking some and developing this fear of strangers. In many, many ways it is comforting because it does mean her attachment level is at a healthy one.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I figured we would miss you guys this morning, but was hoping our "shoots" would overlap! I bet she looks adorable on that cover!

I can totally remember Camden going through the stranger anxiety. Actually Rory did the same thing (although at a completely different age). She typically never meets a stranger but from October - February, she was TERRIFIED of anyone new. And now she's back to asking everyone she sees what their name is.