Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back up on my Horse

I said yesterday that if God gave me another day I'd get back up on my horse and gallop along, so that's what I've been trying to do today. Thank you for the kind words from so many sweet friends.

Today we were up and Kevin took Ellie to MDO, came back and we all went to Kevin's doctor's appointment (it appears he'll be having a sleep study some time soon to see if he has apnea), dropped him and Josh off there, went and completed three commercial inspections, came back to pick them up, returned to get Ellie from MDO, took them home, returned back to town to complete another commercial inspection and a residential inspection, ran into Food Lion to pick up a few things (we were so out of milk), came home, sent Kevin and Ellie to my mom's to help them move some furniture, am going to take Josh, Kevin and Ellie to the park for football practice, run back into Nashville for one more errand, pick them back up and then finally come home to fall into the bed as I have to be in Cave City (so close to you Allison!!) tomorrow morning at 10 and then back to swim with my friend Jennifer with our kids at her mom's house at noon. HAS ANYONE EVER WRITTEN A LONGER SENTENCE????? *big smile*

And next week my LIFESAVER Dee'Anna will be back and Kevin will be back at work and I can hope that I can spend the week doing paperwork during the day in order to catch up at work.

I talked with my friend Mayme today and we laughed as we said we needed to get together for coffee to talk about "how hard our lives are" -- isn't it goofy to think we have it bad? We have wonderful, healthy children (who are all at home where they belong), faithful husbands, jobs that pay the bills, homes to live in, food in our cabinets, our health and we are complaining. God must shake His heads at us. But, in the throes of life, it's often hard to see the forrest for the trees. Perspective is hard when you are in the trench as opposed to on the topside of it.

I've begun to this about "my list" that I alluded to a few days ago. I finished the book (it was pretty in all honesty -- for a shallow summer beach type read) and think about the list every day. I've written a few things down. When I feel it is less a rough draft, I'll post it here.

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