Friday, February 8, 2008

Thank you to those who have provided financial support

There was a check in my mailbox again today.

Over the past few weeks there have been several people who have sent or given us money to us to help with our adoption expenses. Several of these people we have not seen for a long time and yet they have been so supportive of our adoption of Ellie and we just wanted to take this time to thank them in case they are reading the blog. A "formal" thank you note will be forthcoming, but we want you to know that we are so humbled by your giving and your support. We know God is thankful that you allowed Him to use you to help us. We hope when you get to heaven that there is a special crown for you for helping bringing Ellie to a country where she can learn about Jesus and God. Our hearts are touched and warmed by your support and we are so thankful for the blessing of your friendship. Know that there is no way we could have completed this adoption without each of you helping and we will never forget it.

So, officially here in print, thank you.

And lest anyone think we might have forgotten all of you who are working and praying so hard to help us, we surely have not. We will have a special post for you all later. *smile*

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